Preliminary model and perspectives... work in progress to fully examine and refine my site solution, building elevations, and sections. The green areas are wild flower gardens that house six vertical closed loops for the ground source heat exchange. The main pump will be located in the lower level. Each of the three studio gardens will house one vertical loop and the remaining three will be situated parallel to the MBTA line and turnpike.

Lower Level

First Floor

Seconf Floor... back stair still to come, along with roof terrace garden directly over exhibit flex space and studios. Refer to earlier floor plan for program spaces... work in progress...
Rick, I urge you to take another look at your first floor.
Currently the geometry is driven by the city grid, the clash with the pike geometry is not resolved, the shell idea is suffering. The support spaces align with the shell and offer an uncomfortable back drop for the exhibit area. The stair at the entrance is too important; you allow it to break the roof line of the shell and protrude to obscure the vestibule/entrance to your building from the street corner.
The garden taking on the city geometry makes sense. The question is where and how should this geometry transition to the pike geometry. I could see at least two more alternates to your proposed solution that simply rams the perpendicular to Boylston lines into your shell. A second one would align the class rooms with the shell geometry and find a point outside these spaces to turn the geometry. A third one would establish a very strong, formalized garden edge along the street and a very strong projection of the shell geometry onto the garden in the back and treat the space in between with its’ own free flowing shapes. These could be continued into the inside and help organize the exhibit / circulation area.
Check out the two diagrams on my blog. They explain these thoughts better than this comment.
Werner... I am taking your advice and reviewing the first floor plan again. The resolution of the first floor geometry between the city grid and gardens vs. the back edge of the site and MBTA/turnpike axis drives every other decision to be made. Your diagrams are great and really nice soultions... I am running into some scale/program square footage issues that need to be resolved in order to get the space to work properly. But that's the fun!
I like the circulation on the first floor in the same location as the on the second. BUT... I really wanted to get some of the light washing down the shell wall to spill into the studios. Indirect studio lighting is going to need to come from the south facade of the studios via light shelves. Also, I need another exit out the back of the spine now to avoid a dead end corridor. Maybe thin corridors along the sides of each studio that spill out into the studio garden? I don't know yet... work work work... I'll post later this evening with some progress on the first floor plan.
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