Saturday, August 11, 2007

studio: 01

combining elements from the first two models...

study model 03 plan
study model 03 plan geometry
study model 03 view 01
study model 03 view 02


werner said...

Rick, sorry, I didn’t comment yesterday, I was out-n-about all day. I’ll comment first on the model 02 plan and your comments to it.
For starters I think the substance of your plan 02 has not lost in vibrancy; the presentation did.
The different transitions are the hardest for you, you have clear idea of the quality of space you want to create and the transitions between them, and it doesn’t simply offer the required transitions.
By reducing from 01 to 02 you created however one of the purest gradual transitions in the course: The entry, labeled LT. the back wall together with the angled wall pointing north define a corner of an infinite entry plaza. Into this corner you placed a series of columns and a relating angled back wall (I wished the lag connecting it to the back wall of space 1 weren’t there). This creates a space in itself. At the same time the columns are part of your entry space. The overlap creates ambiguity or a gradual transition (see posting on my blog). To create a LT you might have (only as an example) to change the amount of space definition you provide between 1 & 2.

rbutera said...

Looks like I stumbled onto something there... I'll revise plan 02 based on your blog post and then format onto the process sheets tonight. Should be up by Monday morning.

Thanks for sharing the insight. It really made a light bulb turn on! The GT is wonderful now that I understand what is happening there. I reall liked the idea of zone 1 and 2 overlapping. Using the overlapping zones of an entry plaza (outside) and an entry (inside) makes a lot of sense.

werner said...
